Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It was a rather lazy day in the house today. The physical therapist came to work with Mom this afternoon. She did a few exercises with her and then had her walk a bit. All in all she was here for about 1/2 hour. The nurse came after that. She checked Mom out. She put a pad on Mom to help with the sore she now has. With the newest weight loss of Mom, she got a sore. I was not happy about that. As if she needs something else to go wrong. She took it all in stride and tries to eat and drink as much as she can. I have to make sure she eats protein because that is what heals the sore.

We both took naps after the nurse left. I am so tired today it is unbelievable. At least I can sleep in tomorrow. I am looking forward to that. Friday is the wedding. I can't wait for that. I have to clean off the table tomorrow. I have bills that have to be paid. In the worry about Mom I forgot to pay the house payment. I will be taking care of that tomorrow that is for sure. Can't get behind on our house payment. We are meeting my friend, Georgette for lunch next week. I think that will be so fun. She is a lot of fun and always filled with great stories about what is going on in her life. She has been and is a great friend and supporter. She supports me so much in keeping Mom home as long as possible. She agrees with me that Mom can be home for a very long time and that the house can be fit to meet Mom's needs. She likes Mom a lot too, which is good. Mom does really well when we meet friends for lunch or tea.

It is rather hot and humid today so we are hiding in the house today. We did go out for our brunch as usual. It was crazy because we got there right before a big downpour of rain and left just after it ended. Talk about good timing. We didn't get wet at all. One thing weird happened while we were there. This young man, teenager, got a bagel to eat and then proceeded to ask an older gentleman and a woman to loan him $12 for his cell phone bill. Both, naturally, declined. He didn't ask us but I would have said no too. It was just too strange. It did break up the early afternoon though. What a strange incident.

We had an earthquake today!!!! Yup, I felt it. The center was near Ottawa, Canada, which is a ways away from us, but we felt the effects. I thought I was dreaming, but it turns out I wasn't! We have had them before but very few of which I am glad because I wouldn't enjoy them on a regular basis.

I hope this finds you doing well.

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