Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Finding My Value and Acting On It

 Yesterday was an absolutely horrible day.  Simply awful.  I think I cried more yesterday than I have in a very long time.  I missed my mother as much as I did the day she passed away.  I have caught the guck, as we call it, that is going around.  I have infections in both ears and I had a lot of congestion.  With the help of meds I am on the mend.  I somehow slept from Saturday Midnight to Monday noon.  Yup mostly straight through, which of course means no meds at all on Sunday as I was completely asleep.  On Monday, when I woke up, I was very light headed and it was not good.  

I was watching some videos on FaceBook when one really caught my eye and practically hit me right in the face.  So it was about a bottle of water.  in the grocery store it is $1, then a restaurant is $3 or something like that, and then I think there may have been one more with the last being the bottle is $6 in an airport.  The point was, if you don't feel like you have value, maybe you are in the wrong place.  So, as the day progressed, I realized how I have I allowed people to speak to me with disrespect and not only with disrespect but also treat me with much disrespect.  

Today, it was like night and day when I woke up.  I do think that making the decision I made yesterday was a part of it, also, I hadn't realized that the newest med I have from SwingCare has done more for me than just help the Fibromyalgia.  SwingCare added Cymbalta.  After yesterday, with missing a full day of meds, including Cymbalta, I realized that it is also helping my mental health.  This does makes sense since it is an anti-depressant. I feel so much better today.

Watch out world, here I come!

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