Wednesday, June 22, 2022

June 22

 I had an appointment with my Rheumatologist today.  It was just a regular check up.  My right shoulder is starting to hurt again at the bursa part of the arm.  I have an appoint with the specialist on July 13.  I am going to call  tomorrow and see if I can get in earlier.  I really don't want it to get worse and freeze.  It was partially frozen when I first saw him in May.  Not good.

The heat wave is back.  It is 90* right now and with the heat index it feels like close to 90*.  The rest of the week will be super hot too.  Ugh.  I know there are parts of the country in the south that are much hotter, I feel for all who live there.  Anyways, I am in my living room where the portable A/C unit is.  I am hoping by the weekend we will have at least two window units.  One is definitely going in my room.  I think the second should go in the other Heather and Bill's room.  

Peony is doing pretty okay. Her wound is healing really well.  She is no longer wearing a cone or a collar.  When she had the cone on she looked so pathetic and sad.  She did look too sad with the collar.  My poor little girl.  She is my favorite companion to run errands with.  She loves riding in the car.  Simply loves it.  I have a seat belt leash that I put on her.  This way she can look out the window with the window part way down and I don't have to worry about her jumping out.  Peony is enterprising enough to try that once.  She is fearless.  She is such a beautiful little girls.  She is a terrier mix.  I could do one of those DNA things for dogs but they are expensive and seriously, I don't really care.  She is mine and that is what matters.  She loves sleeping on my bed at night.  I love having her sleep on my bed at night, now that we took the bed off of the frame.  It was so high that I was kind of jumping to get in my bed.  When Heather BT saw that she was like, you are going to fall.  I probably shouldn't have pointed out that I had, many times.  Well, the little foot stool we call the jump came in for me to use.  It worked.  Then we realized why don't we just take the bed off of the frame.  I really like it this way.  I can actually sit and my feet are on the floor.  It is beautiful.

It is almost time to teach the only lesson of the day.  Bye!!!

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