Friday, September 6, 2019


It is so hard to believe September is among us already.  Summer was rather stressful.  Things did get worked out of which I am so glad!!  I do hope the fall is much less stress and so far so good.  I have a pretty full schedule for lessons right now.  I no longer miss the 60 lessons a week I used to teach.  I have come to accept the part time I can do. This has taken many years to accept.  I know my limits.  Kathy is coming in a couple of weeks!!!  I can’t wait.  We are going to see the Downton Abbey movie as we are both big fans of the show.

Currently I am in physical therapy.  It is for balance this round.  I don’t have very good balance at all.  I feel like I am going to fall when I walk to far without my walker or coming downstairs. I also need better posture which will help with the not falling.  Tuesday I nearly fell.  It was so scary.  I had to pause and decide if I needed help.  I was okay I just took it slower to get to the car.  I will say the pt is kicking my butt.  I am rather sore by the end of the night on pt days.  It is working on muscles I forgot I have!!!  That is good though.  I am not sure how long I have for pt. I figure my therapist will tell me when I am done.  She is an expert after all.  Heather BT says she has noticed I walk better and seem to be more confident.  I am glad.

Monday I am heading to be with my friends kids for a few days.  She needs to be out of town so I am going to be there. You know how it is when your a mom, you have a short list of who you trust to take care of your kids.  Well I am happy to be on her short list.  I love her kids.  I know I will have H and R. I am not sure about T and A.  A has been doing a lot of babysitting for his brother’s roommate.  He has a toddler and A watches her while he works.  I really enjoy the kids company.  H and I get into some really interesting conversations. R is quieter and is an excellent artist.  H is an excellent artist too.  He likes graffiti art.  She likes all types of art.  I will come home on Wednesday just in time for lessons!!!!!

It is time to pull Christmas music out again.  Sammy came and took care of that.  I have redone the vocal music drawers.  I have everything divided by genre then alphabetical.  It is so much easier to find stuff now!!!!  I was going to do this with the piano music but I have nine file cabinet drawers of piano music so yeah not gonna do that.  I just want Christmas at this point separated.

It is getting chiller out now.  I don’t mind.  We no longer have central air.  It died four years ago.  We do have a portable a/c unit that we put on the kitchen counter.  We also have an attic fan. I have a window fan in my window which also really helps.  Overall we tend to stay pretty okay.  I have been aching more lately but I think that is due to the physical therapy.  I am not totally sure but by bedtime, especially if I have to fill the dishwasher, I am pretty sore.  My headaches are still there like they were three years ago.  I have now had a headache everyday since March of 2003.  My bad headaches aren’t quite as often but I still get them. I now have cyclical vomiting syndrome. Basically I feel like I am going to throw up all the time.  I am on two different meds for that.  They help control most of it.

I am not sure what is up this weekend.  I plan to read and go on Facebook.  I check on my peeps that way.


  1. I wondered where you went off to. I still love my blog and prefer it over the politically charged baloney at social media. Not to mention the hateful people unless you agree with them 100%! I love my blog as it is easier to control unwanted traffic. It is nice to see you here. Hoping your weekend is wonderful, like you! HUGS
