My head was really bad again this morning so I called my neurologist to see what I should do. I left a message for the doctor and a little while later I received a call from the doctor's office. She wanted me to come in for an injection so in between lessons, I went and got 2, yup 2, shots. At first it made my headache way worse but then it helped the pain to go way down back to the normal, everyday headache. So far, they seem to be helping. I am so tired of my head aching. I really am.
I had 2 lessons today, Sammy and Dan. Sammy is a 15 year old vocal student and she sings beautifully. I am really happy with her. Dan is new to me and a rather shy pianist. He is doing really well too since we are trying to figure out how much he remembers and what he needs to work on. He stopped lessons about a year or so ago so right now we are assigning different levels of stuff to see where he should be. He is very nice.
Tomorrow I need to get Eliana a new theory book tomorrow. I meant to do it this weekend, but I forgot when I had the time plus I did have the bad headaches so I probably couldn't have gone anyway so I am going to go tomorrow. Eliana is such a cutie pie. She is simply so sweet and cute. I have had 2 lessons with her so far and she is doing pretty well. Her bass clef notes are a little hard for her as she hasn't done them very much, but I know we will work on them and she will get better at them. I also have Bob tomorrow since Monday was a holiday. I have a couple other students tomorrow to so it is shaping up to be an awesome day. I am really happy about that. With Monday being a holiday, I don't have as many as usual, not that I have that many to begin with. I only teach part time, very part time but it is enough for me so I won't be over tired or too exhausted.
Sunday is a family event. Tillie's birthday is tomorrow. I must remember to wish her happy birthday. Today is Richard's birthday. I really wanted to call him but I didn't. Today, it bothered me that he is not speaking to me, but often it doesn't. I think it does because it is his birthday. My small cousin, Elizabeth, (Danielle's daughter) has her birthday on the 20th, I believe. Her brother, Miles, is only about 10 months old. I got to hold and play with him at Lia's wedding. I really liked that. I am hoping that I will see Kayla's littlest one on Sunday too. I have seen her in pictures but not in person so I am looking forward to that.
I have started my new headache medicine to start getting rid of the everyday headaches. I do remember when they first started. In March of 2003, I came down with vasculitis. Vasculitis is the inflammation of the blood vessels and is very painful (worse than the fibro pain, believe it or not). I got a headache from it and my nose ran continuously, and I mean continuously. I would wake up in the night to blow my nose. Normally, the vasculitis stays and you have flare ups start as soon as the flare goes down. Fortunately, mine actually left me except for the headache. The rash (which was hideous looking and all over my legs, arms, and a bit on the face) was from the blood vessels pushing up on the skin. I did have 3 break through the skin and I now have scars from it, but considering I could still have it, I will take the scars. I went to the neurologist and she doubled my everyday medicine. If it is still not working by the end of September I am to call Dr. R and let her know.
I am going to read for a bit before heading to bed.
Thanks for the headache update...the sounds just awful, I am praying you find relief, permanently.