Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday 9-23

I have scheduled my CT scan for tomorrow evening.  I have to be there by 7:10 for an 8:40 pm appointment.  I had to reschedule one lesson to Wednesday.  Thankfully, this family is very flexible and was able to switch to another day.  I was very glad about that.  I am nervous about the CT scan in finding out if the mass has grown.  With the presence of clear cells on the mass, I hope that it hasn't grown.  If it hasn't grown, then that is a good thing, if it has, then indeed it is cancer and we will have to take it from there.  I am just nervous and will be until October 7th when I have the appointment.

Today was a nice day.  My Muglia girls, Sarah and Hannah were both ill so I didn't have their lessons today.  I was bummed since I really enjoy the girls a lot but since most of the kids have sore throats, well, no lessons.  I did have a new lesson, her name is Faith and she is taking voice.  We worked on 3 pieces, an Italian song, 1 pop piece, and 1 Broadway song.  She did very well for the first time singing the songs.  Faith seemed to like all the pieces I gave her so I was happy about that.  The only thing I was unhappy about was that I did not have sheet protectors to put her music in.  I was at the store yesterday and I forgot to get them.  I rode right past them in the scooter too.  I mean, seriously, it wasn't on my list so I forgot.  I tried really hard to stick to my list and well, I did, trouble was, I didn't have sheet protectors on the list.  I will get them this week.

I ordered new boots today.  I need to cancel the order because I don't think they will fit.  I am disappointed because they are really cute boots and I ordered a double wide pair.  They have a wide top too and come from a plus size catalogue but I still don't think they will fit.  I also ordered a new pair of leggings so now I have 3 pair for winter.  I am all set in the legging department.  I haven't really found any skirts or dresses I like for winter so I haven't ordered any.  I only need a few because the dresses I have will work and same with the skirts.  I have 2 more skirts that Nancy is fixing and I hope to have them back soon.  They are really pretty and they are lined too so they will be good for winter and fall.  When I can, I will make a couple of skirts for winter.  I just haven't really been in the mood for sewing and right now our house is not sewing friendly yet as we are still getting things moved around.  It will soon be settled and then I will sew.  For now, it is all okay.  Star wants to sew too so we will sew together.  I like sewing with Star.  She is a good friend.  I am so glad we reconnected together.  I really am.  She has become a rather close friend too.

I do have a bit of a sore throat tonight.  Calli seems to have one too.  I hope it goes away in the morning.  I don't want a cold.  Nothing else is wrong, just a sore throat.  I don't get them very often.  Usually, when I get a cold, my throat is not sore at all so I am not sure what is up.  The hot tea I had really made it feel nice.  I am going to have another hot tea before bed to take my bedtime medicine with.

We are getting the bookshelves up in the family room.  They look nice in there and things are getting in order.  The dictionaries are on the dictionary shelves already.  Calli put them where they belong today.  Will has put the other shelves in place.  The family room is getting shaped up.  I am pleased with the progress.  In the living room, the filing cabinet that was in Acer's room is now empty and in place ready for me to put stuff in it.  I have about 4 boxes of office supplies that need to go into it.  I will work on this during the week.  I am going to ask Sam if she can come over this weekend to help organize the cabinet and some music with me.  I also have the box for the students now.  I just now have to organize it.  I think with Sam's help, I will have it done in no time.  She is such a helpful girl, she really is.

I have a bit of bad headache tonight besides the sore throat.  My pain level is normal, which is good.  My chest isn't so bad as it was on the weekend.  I am so glad about that.  It is just so weird how things come and go with us, isn't it?  I mean, how the fibro pains rotate and move around a body is the strangest thing ever.  It really is.  It is the same with my headaches.  One day, it is on the right side of my head, another day it is on the left side of my head.  Sometimes, it is in the back, sometimes, it is in the front.  It just jumps all over.  I just never know what to expect.  I guess that is just the way it is with all of us.

It is time for words with friends for the evening.  I am hoping to watch Castle tonight.  I am not sure if it is the season premiere or not, but as I enjoy the show and only recently started watching it, I am not picky on what season or episode it is.

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