Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday 9-5

Yesterday was my older brother, Richard's birthday.  He lives in Washington State, very far away from me.  He is married and has 2 children that I haven't seen in 5 years.  I haven't seen him in 3 years.

We are having some deconstruction done in the house this week.  Heather B-T is pulling up the carpeting that is on the upstairs.  Our plan is to have no carpet on the stairs, upstairs hallway, or the bedrooms.  Acer is helping by cleaning up the foam that is stuck to the stair.  We have beautiful wood flooring underneath the stairs and I am glad that she is doing this.  It is something that I have wanted to do this for a long time but I don't have the strength or the energy to do this.  This will be done in stages.    It will take awhile because there is an awful lot of carpet.  The family room and living room will both keep their carpet as neither has hard wood floors underneath, they have plywood and that just isn't really pretty.

I met with the person who is helping me with the hearing aids today.  I have been approved for their program and they will be letting my doctor know.  I have the appointment on September 27 so I am a bit excited about this.  I am nervous too because I am afraid that I will get more headaches with the hearing aids but I will try them.  With the new technologies, I am sure they are much better than the older ones.  I will find out soon.

It has been a good day today overall, I think.  The sun is shining really beautifully and the clouds are puffy white.  I had a good meeting and 2 good lessons.  Tomorrow, I have to get some music for Sarah and Alyssa.  Both need the music by Monday.  If I can't do it tomorrow then I will go on Saturday after my lesson.  Either way, it will get done soon and in time.  Kids seemed to have a good day at school.  Acer and I played bop it pinball on the computer.  He loves playing that game.  Then again, he loves bop it games in general.  I don't think he has tried one he doesn't like even bop it smash, which is used by lights.  He does very well with it by sound.  At first, we thought this game would be useless for him, but he can actually use sound on it so it isn't useless after all.

I don't know if Robin and I are going to meet for tea or not, it all depends on her but it would be nice to see her.  If not, there is always the next time she has a day off.  She works full time so it is not always easy to see her with her busy schedule.

Robin wasn't feeling too well so we aren't going to hang out after all.  Maybe next week.

I am watching my usual Thursday show, Project Runway.  I also had my nightly snuggle with the Maisy girl.  We usually snuggle after dinner when I finish the dishes.  I did dishes earlier today so since it was just Brandon and me for dinner, I chose not to do them again.  I will do them tomorrow.

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