We sewed with Muglia's this afternoon. Lydia finished her skirt and next week we go to the fabric store to pick out material for the tops to their skirts. I am also going to make Sarah (the little sister) a skirt so she won't be too left out. She gets something to. She is only 5, a little too young for sewing. I will look for some kits for little ones.
Pain level is medium now, but was very high all night. Hence the reason I was awake for Mom's meltdown. I could take a nap right now. I think I might. I know it is only about 5 pm, but I am exhausted! I don't think we will scooter tonight. Murder She Wrote hasn't come in yet. I hope it arrives tomorrow! I will be hiding in the house due to the heat this weekend. I may even skip Tim Horton's! Wouldn't that be a shock? I think it all depends on the heat.
I hope this finds you doing well. I have to go and lay down now, I can't handle the sitting up anymore, I am very tired, medium sore, so I should get a small nap.
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