Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It is extremely hot for Michigan today. With the heat index it is over 100 degrees. I know that the east coast is getting nailed too. I have kept Mom in the house today, think I will keep her possibly tomorrow too, we aren't even going to our usual as it is just too hot and she could get dehydrated so quickly. The nurse said to really watch Mom. When Lori, the physical therapist, was here, she checked Mom's blood pressure and it was lower than normal, she said because she needs more liquids. Well, I have been giving them all day to the little lady. She has had 2 ensures already and I have more waiting for her. Gotta keep her hydrated!!! I have also made sure that I am drinking enough too.

We haven't done a whole lot today, Bob had his lesson. He just got back from a cruise and Venice, Italy. I can't wait to see the pictures next week. He said he and Maggie, his wife, had a great time! I am so glad. I really wanted them to have a good time. Maggie is a good friend of mine. She is in our book club too. I have to get the book club book, I haven't done that yet. I was going to do that tonight, but I will wait until Friday for that. Too hot to take the little Mom out right now.

I finished the Anne of Green Gables series again. I am now working on the Emily trilogy. I just love all of LM Montgomery books. She was such a great writer. I just love those books.

I am aching more today than usual due to the weather. I expected it though, so I am as prepared as much as I can. I took a wee nap after Bob's lesson for about an hour. I am rather tired to because of the heat. I felt so bad for Lori because she had to go into the heat. Mom is doing pretty well since she has been inside all day. She doesn't seem to mind that we didn't go for our usual this morning and doesn't mind we will miss tomorrow's too. I do need to get her some ensure with high protein, but I can't do that until Friday because of the weather. Fortunately, we have the regular stuff, but the high protein is really helping her sore. It is healing very nicely. I am pleased with its progress.

I hope this finds you doing well and hope you are staying cool!!!

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