The weather is so beautiful out right now that I hope it stays. Okay, I know I am being a little crazy because the weatherman did say it would be hot again next week. Yuck. I don't like being hot. I think I have said this every hot day we have had. I must be a broken record. I have 2 students today, one at 2 pm and the other at 5 pm. I am not visiting my friend for knitting today as she is not feeling too hot. She has a summer cold and we all know how yucky those can be. So, get well soon Heather B-T! I hope it doesn't go through the rest of the family and her little boy and husband don't get it. Her daughter already had it, so hopefully she won't get it again. That's always the worst. You are over it and then, bam! it is back.
Mom is doing fine today, a few meltdowns before she was full because she was hungry. She is hallucinating a bit more today than usual, although right now it is okay and she is not hallucinating. She was about an hour ago and it was making her cry. Poor thing, nothing like hallucinating to begin with but ones that make you cry have got to be worse. At least she isn't frightened by them. Usually she sees people that aren't there. I think she is looking for me and my brothers from when we were smaller. I tell her they went home, much easier than telling her they aren't there because to her, they are there and she can see them. This is very common in stage 6 of Alzheimer's. Very common. She is entertaining herself with an empty envelope. She does this often and I often think, I should just hand her empty boxes and envelopes and stuff for her to play with. Naturally, when I do, she doesn't want to play with them. Just like a child, I guess.
I am tired now. I wasn't earlier when we got up, but I am now. I think after my 2 pm lesson I am going to take a wee nap. I hope Mom takes one too because she didn't nap yesterday and I don't like her not taking a nap 2 days in a row. Just for fun, I am going to map out a way to Seattle, Washington. It is 2400 miles away and a 36 hour drive. Hm, should I just jump in my car with Mom and go? I wish! My brother lives there and I miss his family a lot so does Mom. Andrew is much closer, just a 2 hour drive away. Problem there is he is never home so going to visit him is not too much of an option. I knew that driving straight through to Seattle was about 2 1/2 day drive, but of course I would not be driving straight through, you got to answer Mother Nature, get some sleep, and stretch. It would be bad to drive straight through because by the time I got there I would sleep for a week to recover. The 5 hour plane ride is much better for us. I am hoping we get to see him before Christmas.
I am still waiting on my back disability. I called again today, the gentleman doesn't know what the hold up is either. I hope they call me back like he has asked. I would like to go and see Richard, but I don't think Mom could do a plane trip. It could be hard on her. I don't know. I know Richard said he was coming here before the end of the year, I am just impatient. I miss him and his family a lot, and I mean a lot. Mom misses him too because right now she asks about the boys quite frequently. It is hard to tell her they are away because she cries and I don't like her to cry.
We went out with Aggie after her lesson. It was so fun. She is such a nice young woman. I can't believe she is 20, but she is. Wasn't she just starting high school? I know, I know, time sure does fly. Of course, Abby and William were just babies the other day to me. Now they are 11 and 9. I haven't seen them in over 2 years now. I feel like we are missing so much. Anyways, back to the Aggie girl. We went and had a sandwich and pop with her. We do this before she moves back into school. She leaves for MSU tomorrow. She is starting her junior year already. I don't know how often I will see her for lessons this fall because she is starting to work at Macy's. She is keeping an eye on Christmas turtlenecks for Mom size medium since she often works in women's clothes.
Frank will be here shortly for his lesson. His mom just called, they are near by but stuck in traffic. I know how that goes.
Mom is possible seeing the dentist tomorrow here at our house. The dentist she saw a the nursing home has a mobile practice so she may see her here tomorrow to get those 2 teeth pulled. We will be making an appointment in September for her cleaning and for filling the three teeth. I want her to have the teeth all taken care of because it can cause some serious problems for the little person. I don't want serious problems for the little person. She certainly doesn't need it.
Anyways, I hope this finds you doing well and having a good day. It has been a good one for us too. Going with Aggie, lessons, relaxing, and resting. Lots of fun and relaxation for the day. Tomorrow is also possible grocery shopping unless for sure the dentist is coming, then I may have to cancel shopping and be home.