Friday, April 30, 2010

I turned in the paperwork for the state of Michigan.  Only 3 more pieces to go and I am finished!  Woo Hoo!  I am excited.  I called them to let them know that they were faxed over.  I should not be charged anymore payroll tax and the amounts they have charged me with should be over soon and fixed to zero as I don't owe any payroll tax.  Difficult to owe a tax when you have no employees because you have no store!  I am almost done dealing with the state of Michigan sales, use, and payroll tax people!  I am excited!  They are very nice on the phone, but I hate having to deal with the store stuff because it makes me really sad and depressed because I lost the store and building.  I loved my business.  Now I am a stay at home daughter (instead of mom, daughter).  I am grateful for the time I have with her because you never know how much you have left because of her memory.  Fortunately, she still remembers me and knows I belong to her and I am her daughter.  Sometimes, though, she asks where Heather is and I am standing or sitting right near her.  It isn't very often though so that is good.

It is so beautiful out right now!  Gorgeous weather, possibly up to 82 degrees today!  yeah!  And, of course, rain on the weekend, naturally.  We don't have to really go out anywhere this weekend except to pick up my clarinet from McCourt's music.  It is fixed and ready to come home!  I am glad it didn't take that long at all.  Cory is a good repair technician on instruments.  I would love to learn how to fix instruments, but that will have to be another day because of taking care of mom is first priority right now.  I have all the time in the world when she is gone.  Maybe I will learn after, maybe not.  We shall see, who knows what that time will bring me.  I do hope to work a bit, maybe not full time, unless I am healthy enough for it.  That is the goal.  But it isn't anything I need to worry or even think about right now.  Now, is the time to concentrate on Mom!

In the next few weeks we are going to see Oceans, the new Disney flick.  It looks really really good and Mom wants to see it too.  I think we will wait until next week though, as Hayley is hopefully coming by on Sunday.  

After dinner, I think we are going to take a walk up the street to see how much and how far Mom can walk now.  I will ride my scooter.  I won't take her far as we haven't walked since the fall and I don't want to exhaust her, just a short one, probably up and down our street.  She is sleeping in the chair.  I am planning to nap after this is finished.

Maia is coming by today.  She is going to help me with the monthly cleaning of the house.  I have a difficult time with scrubbing and vacuuming.  I am sure most of you totally understand this one!  It causes so much extra pain that I just don't do it.  Maia said she will come over once a month a help.  She is my cousin too!  Her boyfriend lives right near me although she doesn't.  She lives in Windsor.  Kinda funny that her boyfriend and I went to the same high school, although he is older than me.  What a small world we live in now.  With all this new technology, it gets even smaller.

I hope you have a good day, ours is shaping up to be good.  I don't have any students today and I had to cancel sewing because of the paperwork that needed to be done so no students all around.  I have 1 tomorrow though!  Can't wait!

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