Sunday, April 3, 2011

A new month

I know I am a few days late with the new month thing, I did notice on Friday that it was April 1.  Today was a fun afternoon because I went to a Michigan Music Association meeting.  It was our wrap up meeting from the competition.  We had quite a bit to discuss as this year was an election year.  I am now the assistant Secretary/Treasurer.  As the secretary was unable to come, I took the minutes.  I will be typing them tonight and disbursing them tomorrow to those who were there.  We had so much to talk about.  The hotel made an error and actually owes us money instead of us owing them.  We overpaid.  Thank goodness our current president reads these bills with a fine tooth comb as mistakes, though rare, do happen.  Our new president will, I am sure, do the same thing.  We discussed what we thought of the carnival that we had on Saturday night.  I think it went very well and that the kids all enjoyed it.  We are going to do it again next year, we think.  We may consider adding a popcorn machine and a cotton candy machine too.  All depends on price, of course.  We are a non-profit organization and all of us are volunteers so no one gets paid.  The one benefit we do get, is that our hotel rooms for the weekend are paid for.  I must admit that that will help me immensely next year in Kalamazoo.  I just don't know how else I could go right now.  Things will improve, I am sure, but right now, things are very tight.  I am very concerned about my future finances and how I will still have a place to live with all the necessities like heat and electricity.  The non-essentials are pretty much gone and I find I don't really miss them.  The only other non-essential is cable TV and I get the lowest package because I don't need all the fancy stuff you can get.  I am happy with the regular type stuff like Hallmark Channel and Lifetime Channel.  I also like the HGTV channel but if it became necessary, I would cut these things out too.  They are not too essential to my well being.  I can easily go to the library to check email once a day.  It is only about 3 miles away.  I have to stop by there tomorrow and return books that are now overdue.  Yup, that is the reason I rarely check books out.  I forget to return them!  I have them in the middle of my hallway to the door so I will trip over them if I don't pick them up.

Anyways, I digress.  I really enjoy meeting up with the fellow teachers, even though there were only 4 of us.  The roads were getting pretty bad so one teacher had to turn around and go home.  The roads were just too bad for her.  She lives quite a distance from us, so I totally understand that.  We have some changes coming to one of the categories and mainly everything is going smoothly for the organization.  I am happy to be a member of it.  I do enjoy the competition every year and I don't mind the work it takes to put it on.  I am happy to do my part.  I think I may do the luncheon next year.  Seems like it would be a good challenge for me.  I have the time to do it.  I do miss Mom at these type events though.  She was always my assistant.  She would collect the music back from the students after they performed for me.  She would check it all in and then when we got home, she would refile it for next time's use.  I so miss her for that.  I have about 3 boxes worth that need to be filed and reorganized.  I found some original CDs that have been missing for a long time in another box yesterday.  I am anxious to put them in the right place and reorganize the copies.  I also want to compare the originals to the copies to see what needs to be recopied.  Some have worn out or lost or I need more of them now that I don't hand out too many books.  I am going to be working on Amanda's folder this week.  I found a nice binder and I know where the sheet protectors are now so I can put her book together since her Mom won't buy her the books she needs.  It kind of upsets me because everyone else bought theirs and she didn't, but I can't punish Amanda because of this and I won't.  I will just make her a nice little binder.

It is horrible weather out tonight.  Freezing rain is what it was doing when I came home.  Georgette helped me down the stairs at her house and I managed the rest of the way to my car.  I drove just fine as the roads weren't too bad.  I imagine they will be really bad tonight when the sun goes down.  I won't be going out again, that is for sure.  I plan on staying home.

I do hope you are having a good day.


  1. Do I have this correct? Your musical association has meetings and then there are other events during the year that you plan at the meetings? Sounds like you participate alot and that is good.

  2. Hope it starts warming up for you like it has here in AZ!! Take it easy and don't work too hard!! I pray about you!
